Email:|Phone: 763-290-0611 |Fax: 888-717-5595

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Offering customized staffing solutions for each client

Staffing can be unpredictable yet crucial to any healthcare facility. At any time, they may need to fill shifts that are open due to permanent staff taking short or long-term leave. And that’s why they need to have access to professionals who can cover shifts whenever they are needed. This is what we are here for. With our customized service plans, we can provide our clients with solutions that fit their specifications regarding professionals’ training and experience.

The professionals on our roster are well-qualified and experienced for their needed roles in healthcare agencies including nursing homes, assisted living, clinics and hospitals.

We staff the following professionals:

Send us your application by filling out the form below with your information.

Do you have more questions for us? Please let us know by sending us a message.